Hi everyone,
It's been awhile...that's because on Christmas morning just as we were about to start opening our presents...my camera broke!! It was awful...especially because of how excited the kids were about some of their presents. We only give each child 3 presents ( we don't want the presents to overtake the real Gift of God's love for them, especially as they get older). So we always put a lot of thought into which 3 gifts to get each of them. Naomi was so thrilled to receive these twin baby dolls...it was soooo cute!! Once she unwrapped them she just kept saying 'Baby, baby, baby...I didn't even know she could say baby. Then she tackled Jojo for trying to play with them, which wasn't nice....but she's gotten better with sharing. Here are the few pictures I do have of Christmas.
1 comment:
Sinto em cada foto q vejo o qnto sou abencoada por ter sido agraciada por Deus com meus 3 lindos netos e o mais interresante e ver ja deste de crianca suas personalidades.Cada 1 tao especial e exclusivo.Isaac ta lindo em seu terminho o qual ja podemos ver grande responsabilidade e grande homen de Deus..Nenem em seu mundo mas defensora e Jojo q sorriso mais aberto e franco..e em seus imensos olhos q alegria..Deus lhes abencoa Samua e Jerod..e q a cada dia sobre vcs seja derramado porcoes de bencaos e graca..Amo vcs,sempre!!Bjusssmil...Paz.
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