Wednesday, July 15, 2009

the Cherry's scream for Ice Cream!

Love this picture!! Such a classic summer picture!

Jojo holding and enjoying her first cone by herself. Usually me or daddy will share with her, but we let her have her own this time! I think she was very grateful and fully enjoyed it!!

He shouldn't like he is in pain while enjoying ice cream should he?!? I think the sun was in his eyes!

We were very proud of our Jojo. She didn't even make as big of a mess as we were expecting. Don't get me wrong, she was still VERY sticky!!

This was such a beautiful day just a couple of weeks ago. So we took the kids to this amazing playground close to our hose called Preston's H.O.P.E. and then finished the day by getting some ice cream. We had lots of fun enjoying getting to do these things with daddy with us. Normally it will be just me and the kiddos since daddy's at work.
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