Monday, December 15, 2008

It's beggining to look a lot like Christmas!!

This week we decorated around the house for Christmas. We love this time of year celebrating God's love for us through the birth of His son, our Savior Jesus Christ. This year is really more fun because Isaac understands more and we've had some great conversations about Jesus being born, and why He was born. We've also talked about not asking for so many things, being greatful for what we already have, and looking around for others who have less than what we do. The God gave us all we have not just for us, but for us to show His love to those around us by sharing what we were given. And it's been a blessing to my heart to see my little boy sharing the wisdom of a 4 year old. Here are some pictures of our home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A árvore e a casa ficaram lindas !!
Natal é realmente uma delícia!!

E o Isaac está tão grande !! Lindo !!
beijos à todos !!