Friday, July 3, 2009

The Joys of Parenthood

It has been a while since I posted anything. We had left on the 17th to drive to Boston for a long weekend. Then we got back and it was crunch time! I had a ton of work to catch up on and then unpacking, laundry, and getting ready to host 6 coaches from Brasil that were coming to stay with us while training for a ministry camp they'd be helping with (more on this in later posts!)

The night we were getting ready to go to Boston, everyone went to bed and I stayed up to finish packing and leave...we were heading out at midnight or so. So I go in the girls' room to get some of their clothes, and the smell of a stinky diaper was overwhelming! I felt like I had walked into a was bad!! But I figured I wouldn't wake them just yet since it was less than an hour from our depature time and I still had to finish up a few things. But I decided to peek closer at each one to figure out who had the dirty diaper. Let's just say that it wasn't hard to figure out who had pooped! So yes, that is poop all over Naomi's face an body. She took off her shirt AND diaper at some point before falling asleep. You can see the diaper by her leg. Amazingly she was able to sleep through the horrific stench...and so was Joelle. And she wasn't even too crabby when I through into the tub. And the poop had caked on, especially on her leg by the diaper it was about an inch thick! And I really had to scrub her to get it off!

Being a parent is such an adventure!!
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1 comment:

Keri Bush said...

Funny, we have had the same thing happen a few months ago. It's so sweet that they are so innocent, it doesn't even occur to them how gross that is. I've been so busy with work and I miss talking to you. How are you?