Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Love how these two are cuddling!! And not sure if the picture highlights this, but Jojo is rubbing Eli's head. Soooo cute!! One of the things we really try to be conscientious of in raising our brood is that they don't ever have to feel like they have to compete with one another, but rather see each other as a blessing in their lives. We intentionally make sure they know we don't have a favorite and we never play favorites. We don't compare them to one another on any terms. Just because one may be really good at something it isn't fair to expect the others to be as well! God made them each unique with their own strengths and weaknesses, ad we try and highlight that to them as much as possible! I have seen first hand the damages that showing favoritism and allowing sibling rivalry to stew can cause. I am glad that even as young as they are they are great friends and truly enjoy one another!! :)

1 comment:

Barbara said...

That's one of the things I admire the most about you!!
You're a great mom!
